Understanding “Function Vs Block scoped” using ( var, let ) keywords - JavaScript

Hello Reader, I'll try my best to make you understand Function vs Block scope, assuming you have basic knowledge of JavaScript. Feel free to copy the code and try it yourself, I used Replit for all the examples.

Function Scope -

Function scope means a variable or a function declared inside another main function is available only during the execution of that main function. Scope of a function something looks like below

function main(){
    var scope = “functionfunction funcInsideMain(){

Let’s now understand the above with a simple example:
First thing we will create a function,

 function displayName(){
     var name = "muralidhar";

The result is as expected:

image.png Now let's move the statement out of the function and see what's gonna happen

function displayName(){
     var name = "muralidhar";



We get a ReferenceError: name is not defined, means the mighty Console is telling us it doesn’t know name and never seen it before. So from this we can understand when console.log(name) declared inside i.e during the function displayName() execution the variable name is available and it’s not available when declared outside the function scope.

Block Scope -

Block scope means a variable or anything declared inside a block is not available outside a block. A block scope is something defined like below anything inside the curly braces is block scoped,


If - else statements, for while do - while loops are considered block scoped. Now let’s check that in action.

 for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++){


image.png Now the mighty Console is telling us it doesn’t know i , hence the variable i is block scoped. Let’s try the same example withvar keyword:

for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++){


image.png Wait! What? How? ….. Is the block scope broken and stopped working? No. It’s not the for loop it’s the keyword var makes it work like that.


var keyword is not block scoped, only function scoped

Kudos to you 🎉 for making it to the end of this blog. Hope you understand the basic difference between function and block scope. If you find this helpful please leave a comment, like this blog and share it.